I'm excited to get back to racing tomorrow at the Bloomsday 12k in Spokane! This is a race that I've wanted to run for some time, but track season always got in the way. With 45,000 participants, it is a massive event, and the entire city embraces it. As usual the competition is stacked. Here's a look at the elite fields.
The course is very hilly, and the 12k distance is a bit challenging to prepare for mentally, but I'm hoping it feeds my cross country background. After my last plantaris injury, training has steadily progressed the last 8 weeks, and while it's difficult to judge my fitness with certainty, I know I'm ready for a good day tomorrow. More importantly, I'm 100% healthy, so no matter what, I know I'll get to take all this progress into the rest of spring and summer. That's a feeling I haven't had since 2015!
Thanks again for reading, and feel free to check out the final two weeks of training below.
The course is very hilly, and the 12k distance is a bit challenging to prepare for mentally, but I'm hoping it feeds my cross country background. After my last plantaris injury, training has steadily progressed the last 8 weeks, and while it's difficult to judge my fitness with certainty, I know I'm ready for a good day tomorrow. More importantly, I'm 100% healthy, so no matter what, I know I'll get to take all this progress into the rest of spring and summer. That's a feeling I haven't had since 2015!
Thanks again for reading, and feel free to check out the final two weeks of training below.
Weeks to go: 1 | AM | PM | Strength | Mileage |
Monday | off | off | 40 minutes | 0 |
Tuesday | 11 | 5 + drills and strides | 16 | |
Wednesday | 6 x mile starting @ 4:30 workding down to 4:20 | 5.5 | 18 | |
Thursday | 11 | 5 | 40 minutes | 16 |
Friday | 10+ drills and strides | off | 10 | |
Saturday | 3 mile, 2 mile, 1 mile @ 4:40-4:42 | 5 | 17 | |
Sunday | 16 easy | off | 16 | |
TOTAL | 93 | |||
Weeks to go: 0 | AM | PM | Strength | Mileage |
Monday | 11 | 5 | 16 | |
Tuesday | 10 | 5 | 40 minutes | 15 |
Wednesday | 5 x 1km @ 2:57, 1 min rest, 6 x 200 @ 28-30 | off | 16 | |
Thursday | 9 | 5 | 14 | |
Friday | 8 | 8 | ||
Saturday | 5 + drills and strides | 5.5 | ||
Sunday | Bloomsday 12k | off |
Woha, you are surely an inspiration for me, I wish I could also participate in such events but this laziness of mine don't let me do it
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ReplyDeleteI look forward to the next update.
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